חדר מורים לזכר שירה בנקי

Our Vision

Our vision at the ‘Teachers’ Lounge’ program – in memory of Shira Banki, includes the creation of a community of teachers through knowing the “other” – as a basis for a society that promotes multiculturalism and coexistence in Israel.


The “Teachers’ Lounge” is a yearlong professional development program accredited by the Ministry of Education and intended for teachers who educate future generations in Israel. We see teachers as crucial role models, instilling values and knowledge, for students in every sector and community.

Teachers have the ability to bring about change in the attitudes of their students regarding the “other”, with an emphasis on addressing racism and prejudice. The teachers’ reflective personal experience while meeting the “other”, helps them to become aware of racism, to promote tolerance and change the social climate of shared life in Israel.

Through our program, we have established an active community of teachers who work on joint projects. We strive to create projects that are intended to bring together different communities encouraging coexistence, while instilling values of respect, tolerance and hope.

Our Program

The ‘Teachers’ Lounge’ program was founded and has been operating at HUC’s Jerusalem campus since 2014. More than 350 teachers from 150 different schools in Israel have participated in the program up until now.

In 2021 the “Teachers’ Lounge” program also began operating in the Western Galilee, and in 2022, additional centers were opened in Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Ramla. The ‘Teachers’ Lounge’ operates with mixed groups of 14-18 teachers. Each ‘Teachers’ Lounge’ group meets for 10 sessions throughout the academic year and is led by two facilitators from the different sectors.

During the program, the teachers go through an in-depth process in which they explore their personal, professional, and cultural identity and discuss shared educational challenges. The experience of meeting the ‘other’ is enabled through various activities such as playback improvisational theater, art and photography and includes joint tours of the city or area in which the program operates. The sessions allow for professional and personal acquaintance through the sharing of narratives that create, above all, closeness and friendship. The teachers develop a sense of partnership in regards to their educational mission.

We aim for the program to affect classrooms, schools and communities and influence the way in which teachers teach and talk with their students about human diversity and the different communities in the city. We strive for a meeting of students and teachers from different sectors, and for initiatives that come to life as a result of the connections and trust created in the ‘Teachers’ Lounge’ program.

The ‘Teachers’ Lounge’ program has become a significant educational project in the field of education for shared society in Israel. The project is supervised by the educational department at HUC in cooperation with “Shira Banki’s Way”.